According to the job spec for the new CouchSurfing Lead Software Architect, CouchSurfing is an equal opportunities employer. Yeah right.
The position is “contract at-will” under US law apparently. This means either party can terminate the arrangement, at any time, for any reason. In other words, this means absolutely zero job security. If the verification propaganda starts to fail, and members stop donating money, you can bet the paid developer will be the first person to get fired.
The person is expected to work 40+ hours per week, 6 days per week. According to the spec, the position will be “an amazing opportunity for adventure”. Of course the unlucky candidate won’t have any time for such adventures as they’ll be on their computer 6 days a week working for CouchSurfing.
My condolences to whomever is unfortunate enough to be given this job.
Hmmmm! The minimum salary in Greece is 600 euros.
Believe me the unemployment rate is pretty high, too.
I know many people who would kill to get 2000 $ a month just by working at home.
Trust me on this one, he’s gonna get a lot of applications from people living in Europian countries like that.
So, cs is making money, after all…
How much do the other two get per month?
As rough as it sounds, the “contract at-will” is apparently pretty standard in the USA.
I think that there will be a lot of applications, but ultimately it’s still well below market rate for people with the skill set I expect they need.
Maria: There are other jobs that will let you live anywhere besides couchsurfing. Take a look at MySQL
Regardless of what it says in the add, it will need to comply with the laws of the country, state or are which taxes will be paid to.
An example, CS can setup employment in the Bahamas and you pay no taxes. For instance if they hire a German and most in EU for that matter, contract at will is not LEGAL either. In fact, parts of USA it isn’t legal
Anyway, 40 hours per week, 6 days per week
This is not a legal or acceptable statement in most parts of the USA.
I have already informed CS to remove it.
i have asked Casey to get an experienced Human Resources volunteer to help work these issues.
@Maria: For the work being asked, $2’000 is well below market rates, so it’s unlikely that CS will receive applications from non-CS members. Add to that, the ad requires that you are a CS member in order to apply, that sounds like discrimination to me.
Well, to tell you the truth, i think that they already know who’s getting the job. Or at least, have some specific people in mind

But, since the first two jobs were handed out without any official announcement before, they decided to be more typical this time and follow the protocole, so that they won’t give us anything to nag about afterwards
I wonder, what if some of the opencs- developers applied for the job, and made it known to the public that they did, along with all their qualifications published. Would they give the job to one of you? Really curious to make this test, indeed!
So, what do you say guys? Would you apply? Just for fun, to see what happens…
BTW, that would really make cs look extremely transparent and democratic, if the best applicant got the job, right?
@ Morgan: I’m not looking for a job at the moment, thank you.
Robbing banks got us ritch pretty soon, so we’ve skipped that “struggling to make a living thing”
lots of love to all of you
Maria, anyone involved in OpenCS got their wiki sysop rights removed, for merely being, well, involved in OpenCS. For this job you need much more access then that, and the Leadership Team can write down hundreds of reasons to not accept the application from someone who signed the OpenCS petition. (Although they accepted Jim, who also signed it IIRC.)
Too late, CouchSurfing is no longer accepting applications! It would appear you’re right Maria, a suitable candidate was found very quickly indeed!