my profile was deleted some six months back.
whatever the issues, i have promised not to repeat any mistakes again.
is there any chances of getting my profile back? or i am doing a futile exercise.
i feel one mistake of a CS lover like me should be ignored.
please be unbiased and take a decision.
waiting for a reply and comments.
best regards,
dr harpal singh
all suggestions and comments are welcome.
Dr Singh, please stop asking the same question on every communication channel. The answer is the same. Put your question to CouchSurfing, there is nothing anyone else can do to re-instate your profile.
To have that perfectly correct: nobody over here (regular posters that is) can do that.
Like told ten times before: OpenCouchsurfing IS NOT Couchsurfing.com. Please go in peace, and go to http://www.couchsurfing.com.