Just poked around extensively, and could not for the life of me, find a list of actual paid staff. Either it’s not published, or it’s not easy to find. And probably for a reason. Wasn’t willing to go trawling through hundreds of group/board posts to find a link, but I can say with near certainty, it’s not linked off of the main menu bar, anywhere. Hmmm…
4 Responses to “where’s the org chart, on CS?”
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In my experience, CS is opaque in many ways, this being a good example of one of them.
With C.S feedback it s always the same, everything is nice we re
all cool and hipe, no bad feedback, everything is unda control,
it s seems that objectivity isn t part of their so called open minded organisation, just try to find a bad comment about CS on the website…
you’re right, it’s not easy to find…
It’s here: http://www.couchsurfing.org/organization.html?open_all=1
And I have to remark that it’s a bit outdated.
Looks like they recently published more info on the org chart and main players